December 3, 2022
Today, the second day of the National Disability Conference 2022, began with a panel discussion on “Social Protection and Rights of Persons with Disabilities or Children with Disabilities on Social and Economic Inclusion” and a presentation titled “Building Independence and Learning in Multi-ability Classes.”

The celebration of International Day of Persons with Disabilities and closing of the two-day conference themed “Transformative Solutions for Inclusive Development in Bhutan” was presided over by Honorable Education Minister Jai Bir Rai in the afternoon. Five home intervention videos in four languages jointly developed by Ability Bhutan Society (ABS), Bhutan Foundation and Perkins International were launched. Developed by Perkins International and Bhutan Foundation in collaboration with Changangkha Middle Secondary School and Hejo ECCD, two pamphlets were also launched. ABS also launched a short documentary and printed resources coinciding with the important day.
The organizers shared a total of ten recommendations from the disability conference. Ten recommendations were:
- The need to strengthen cross-sectoral coordination & collaboration.
- Address the gap between policy and implementation.
- Leverage the potential of technology for the development of assistive technology to improve accessibility and inclusion.
- Review the current model of SEN schools to expand understanding and integration of inclusive education.
- Proposing a single curriculum with pedagogy and assessment that ensures choices and meets individual needs.
- Strengthen teacher and ECCD facilitators’ capacity.
- Expand health, referral, and intervention services to rural communities.
- Strengthen legal systems and create awareness of existing legal services.
- Need to harmonies disability policy with other policies so that Persons with Disabilities have access to all services and opportunities available to all citizens of Bhutan.
- Create support systems for families and caregivers of Persons with Disabilities.

The day ended with the commemoration of International Day of Persons with Disabilities with the children with disabilities and their parents, partners and stakeholders. Ability Bhutan Society organized the conference in collaboration with Bhutan Foundation and Perkins International.