April 12, 2021
Open Journal System (OJS) is the open-access software for online journal management and publication.
The widely used OJS software helps improve the online access and credibility of the Bhutan Health Journal in the international arena. The training will enhance skills and familiarize IT Officers and Managing Editors from selected journal publishers within the country to develop and customize their own system as per their need and help disseminate research findings in a more vibrant and efficient manner through the international online access platform.

At the end of three days of training, consultants from the Public Knowledge Project, the OJS developer, will provide virtual training sessions. The virtual training will focus on customizing the configuration of OJS, calibrations, and troubleshooting, as well as a question-and-answer session.
This training is part of the COVID-19 Health Response grant to support public health research and training on COVID-19 and similar epidemic prevention and response. The training was made possible with the generous support of the American people through the U.S. Agency for International Development in partnership with the Bhutan Foundation.
Supporting Faculty Development
KGUMSB is the only health-training institute in Bhutan. The Bhutan Foundation created a training program in which KGUMSB’s Faculty of Nursing and Public Health attend a semester fellowship at Yale School of Public Health with the goal of improving the content, methods, and techniques of teaching public health courses in Bhutan.
Creating a Platform for Health Research
The Bhutan Foundation supported the launch of Bhutan’s first medical journal, the Bhutan Health Journal. The establishment of the Bhutan Health Journal is of paramount importance in building a knowledge-based society and conducting evidence-based discourses. The journal will provide a platform to publish scientific articles for the researcher, a learning platform for the health professional, and a source for helping policy-makers make evidence-based decisions. The Foundation will also provide research grants to support new health research in Bhutan, along with health research training, such as workshops in writing scientific papers, research methodology, research ethics, and more. Read more on the Public Health project.