September 3, 2018
The Bhutan Foundation in partnership with Perkins International supported two special education experts to work with children, parents and staff of Hejo Day Care Centre and Ability Bhutan Society from 13th to 25th August, 2018.

Hejo Day Care Centre is one of the very few private mainstream centers who provides services to children with special needs. Currently the Centre caters to 104 children out of which seven children have special needs. Our special education expert, Ms. Anu, worked primarily with these children and their parents to help plan for transition into regular primary schools next year. The support includes developing individual transition plans for each child and recommending adaptation in the home and play area.
Subsequently, Ms. Sheela, conducted a follow up training and consultation from March at Ability Bhutan society for children with multiple disabilities and visual impairment (MDVI). The workshop was conducted for parents and caregivers of children aged zero to six with MDVI. It was also extended to social workers from Ability Bhutan Society. The training focused on helping parents understand what they can do at home so that their child is better prepared to go to day care or school, and understand the role social workers can play to support their children’s development.