April 11, 2022

Youth with disabilities in Bhutan are often left with no alternatives after completing their schooling. Some fortunate ones can transition to vocational institutes like Draktsho,  while others often stay idle at home. At Draktsho, these youth are exposed to various vocational skills like weaving, tailoring, etc.; however, not many transitions from the institute.

Thus, this small grant will help adapt an inclusive entrepreneurship curriculum for children with disability in partnership with Draktsho Vocational Training Center and the Ministry of Labour and Human Resources. This initiative will complement Draktsho’s goal to promote equal work opportunities for persons with special needs and, simultaneously, also address the issues around youth unemployment in the country.

Fostering Independence of Youth with Special Needs Through Entrepreneurship

  • This project will benefit youth with disabilities who have either dropped out of school or have completed vocational training to transition into some form of employment or a sustainable livelihood.
  • 17 trainers working with People with Disabilities from Draktsho, Muenselling Institute for the Blind, the Bhutan Stroke Foundation, schools with Special Educational Needs (SEN) programs, and Phensem Parent Support group trained on entrepreneurship development skills.
  • Trainers will work with international experts to adapt an Inclusive Entrepreneurship Curriculum for children with disability in the Bhutanese context and incorporate best practices around the world that have worked for persons with disabilities.

“Draktsho’s graduates, despite their disabilities and challenges, are well equipped with vocational skills but after graduation, they face unemployment due to lack of entrepreneurial skills.”

Draktsho Vocational Training Center for Special Children and Youth