August 21, 2024

Agriculture is one of Bhutan’s five economic jewels, employing more than half of the country’s population and playing a vital role in promoting equitable development, rural prosperity, and poverty alleviation. However, rural-urban migration, an aging farming population, and climate change threaten Bhutan’s food security. Through the Bhutan Foundation’s Food Security Program, we are substantially impacting these affected communities by promoting sustainable agricultural practices that align with national food security objectives.

We are excited to announce our support for two significant food security projects in partnership with Tarayana Foundation and Samdrup Jongkhar Initiative (SJI). These projects, titled “Enhancing Food and Nutrition Security in Bhutan through Empowering Rural Communities in Agri-product Innovation and Local Enterprise Development” and “Building Resilient Communities and Ensuring Food and Nutrition Security for Smallholder Farmers in Samdrup Jongkhar District,” aim to strengthen national food and nutrition security.

Tarayana Foundation will implement its project in the Mongar and Trashigang Districts. The primary goal is to improve the livelihoods of Self-Help Group (SHG) members by increasing their access to local markets, developing agri-based products, and enhancing their skills in post-harvest management and agri-product marketing.

Samdrup Jongkhar Initiative (SJI) will focus its efforts in the Samdrup Jongkhar District. The project aims to increase agricultural crop production by promoting small-scale commercial farming among smallholder farmers. It also seeks to build local capacity in adaptive farming technologies and climate-smart agriculture production systems. Additionally, the project will strengthen organic farming practices in Dewathang Gewog by supporting vermicompost production.

We aim to build resilient farming communities through these initiatives by providing comprehensive training and support to Lead Farmers and SHG members. By helping them transition from subsistence farming to small-scale commercial farming, we contribute to the nation’s food and nutrition security goals.

These projects represent our commitment to empowering Bhutan’s rural communities and ensuring the country’s sustainable and secure agricultural future.