June 14, 2018
In June, the Bhutan Foundation worked in partnership with Perkins International and the Royal Education Council to facilitate a three-day workshop on developing an inclusive curriculum framework for Bhutan’s public schools. The workshop—the first of its kind—was mainly targeted for senior curriculum development officers and designed to explore the curricular needs of children with multiple disabilities. The three-day discussion centered around providing an appropriate curriculum that ensures inclusion of students with multiple disabilities and aligns with the national curriculum of Bhutan.

The workshop was timely, as the Royal Education Council is currently developing the National Curriculum Framework and now will be able to ensure it incorporates provisions to address children with special needs. Representatives from the Paro College of Education, Early Childhood Care and Development and Special Education Needs Division, under the Ministry of Education, and Special Educational Needs (SEN) schools and parent support group members actively participated in the workshop, providing valuable input and suggestions.
The Bhutan Foundation will continue to work with the Royal Education Council and other relevant stakeholders in ensuring quality and wholesome education for children with disabilities in Bhutan.