March 11, 2022
“We would like to thank Mr. Sherab and his team for establishing the Kuenphen Khemdro Omghi Detshen (KKOD) and the milk processing unit in Khemdro. The group has immensely benefitted all the dairy farmers here. We have been supplying milk to the milk processing unit for more than five years now. Before the group, we used to sell our livestock products in nearby local markets ourselves, which took our valuable farming time and resource. We get the monthly income from the group, and we don’t have to worry about marketing our products now. With the income, we can renovate our houses, buy better cattle breeds and other farming tools,” says Mr. Chador Tshering (63) of Tangchey village in Phobjikha.

Mr. Chador is one of the members and beneficiaries of the farmers’ cooperative group founded in 2017 by five youths. The group has 55 households as members contributing milk regularly. As a farmer-centric dairy group, KKOD provides a stable market for its livestock products and guaranteed income while it produces and markets high-quality dairy products at a reasonable price.

The group’s goal is to enhance product diversification and value addition to increase value for their cooperative members. To help the group realize this goal, the Bhutan Foundation awarded a grant from the Small Grants Program to produce yogurt and ice cream in 2021. The group also procured accessories to ensure hygienic milk collection from members.
The impacts from the cooperative are already making a difference in many ways in the community. The group channels valuable resources from public and non-governmental agencies towards the farmers to help them enhance their dairy production and is helping women members achieve greater financial power. As a youth and farmer-led enterprise, it serves as a positive example to the farmers and youth beyond their area.