August 19, 2024


For generations, Bhutanese women have been the backbone of food production, security, and rural development in Bhutan. Today, they are stepping into new roles, not just as farmers but as entrepreneurs and leaders across the agribusiness value chain. Women now make up 57.8% of Bhutan’s agricultural workforce, reaching as high as 60% in some regions. Their influence extends far beyond cultivation; they are leading innovations in community-based organizations, sustainable agriculture, eco-tourism, and agribusiness, adopting new technologies to diversify local food systems and adding value every step of the way.

One particularly inspiring story comes from the Sherchok Women’s Group, founded by Chimmi Dema. Chimmi, originally a civil servant with a passion for textiles, was inspired by the success stories of the Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) in Ahmedabad. Motivated to make a difference, she established the Sherchok Women’s Group. Today, the group boasts 360 members across Bhutan, providing economic opportunities for women and empowering them to transition from home-based workers to successful entrepreneurs.


However, the Sherchok Women’s Group has recently faced significant challenges. Their agricultural products have struggled to meet packaging and labeling standards, leading to a decline in sales and market position. Recognizing these issues, the group, with the support of the Bhutan Foundation’s Small Grant Program, is embarking on a strategic rebranding and production upgrade initiative.

This initiative aims to revitalize the group’s market standing through several key actions. The group will automate their processing units and develop a unique brand aligned with the vision of Gelephu Mindfulness City, which is central to their rebranding efforts. In addition, the group will conduct specialized packaging and labeling training for eight core members in Gelephu, and entrepreneurship training for 80 members across three regions. These efforts are designed to equip the women with the skills they need to transition from home-based workers to independent entrepreneurs.



The story of the Sherchok Women’s Group is a testament to the resilience and determination of Bhutanese women. As they navigate the challenges of the modern agribusiness landscape, their journey serves as an inspiration to many, proving that with the right support and training, women can lead the way in creating sustainable, community-driven economic growth in Bhutan.

The Sherchok Women’s Group’s efforts to overcome obstacles and embrace innovation are paving the way for a brighter, more inclusive future in Bhutan’s agribusiness sector. Their success story is not just about economic empowerment; it’s about transforming the role of women in Bhutanese society and ensuring that they are recognized as leaders and innovators in their communities.